Returns the value from the specified sequence for a newly added row.
The sequence has to have the name {table}_{column}_seq, which is the default when creating a SERIAL type. |
function GetnewID($connection_id,$tablename, $fieldname)
$res = pg_exec($connection_id,
"SELECT last_value FROM ${tablename}_${fieldname}_seq");
$seq_array = pg_fetch_row($res, 0);
return $seq_array[0];
?> |
Example: |
$connection_id = pg_connect("host={} user={} port={} password={} dbname={}");
$res = pg_exec($connection_id,"insert into data (name) values ('New record')");
$last_id = GetnewID($connection_id,"data", "key");
value of key for newly added record